Sunday, 16 March 2014

being of life.

I'm sick of people who are more shy than others bring left out and often picked on. It's hard being shy and wanting to say something. However, thinking what you have to say is going to be thought of as weird or not listened too as you're quiet.
This is my way of saying try and talk to the shy person at school or work. Include if you are having a party don't leave the shy one out as you think they are boring/wont join in.  They mostly need reassurance and to be excepted for themselves to feel more confident.
If you are an extrovert person you are lucky. Being introverted isn't as easy as you think.
I should know. As I am one of those quiet shy people who hide away in the corner feeling like I don't fit in as well as the others.
If you are shy....JUST TRY. Include yourself and if people dislike you for any reason many out there wont. The more you talk to others the more likely, it is one step to not being shy or as shy anymore.Don't hide in the corner or where ever you feel safe. Take a risk.
A lot of  shy people are shy because of fear of being judge or because of the negative reactions from those around them. Or the people they are put with are much louder and out talk the shyer quieter member of the group. e.g. when they do talk they're unheard or talked over. 
It puts the quieter people in a hole. Singles them out as different or often gets them forgotten. 
SMILE have a nice day and don't reject someone because they are different. Embrace the difference.

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